Pembroek herbal extracts

Pembroek Herbal extracts per 27 07 2024 on,,

Jobs available:
* Algemeen Analist (MBO)
* Productie Operator (VMBO, MBO)
* Inkoop Verkoop Logistiek officer (MBO)


Pembroek extracts include:

  • Medicinal extracts (pharmacopoeia & specialties)
  • Flavouring extracts (aromatic extracts)
  • Healthcare extracts (functional, nutraceutical)

Complying with pharmacopoeia, foodlaw, ESCOP, EFSA, EMA, WHO, CoE, FEMA / USFDA GRAS where applicable. On request Kosher and/or Halal when possible.

Quality control

We combine classic herbal extraction with modern analytical methods and quality control. On the herbs and the herbal extracts.

Including all common wet chemical analyses, titration, TLC, UV-VIS spectrometry, HPLC, GC, AAS and GC-MS. Enabling us to manufacture "classic" herbal preparations that meet the strict controls of today.

Industrial extraction

We develop and use methods for reproducible, large scale and exhaustive industrial extraction. Dedicating our research and experience to transferring pharmacy recipes into large scale extractions. In compliance with pharmaceutical handbooks.

Pembroek medicinal herbal extracts are, amongst others, divided in the following, mostly pharmacopoeial, dosage forms:

  • Tinctures
  • Liquid extracts
  • Concentrated soft extracts for making:
    • tinctures and liquid extracts
    • (concentrated) infusions and elixirs
  • Dry extracts
  • Syrups
  • Infusions
  • Concentrated waters & Distilled waters
  • Ethanol free extracts
  • Oleosa
  • Extracts for external use (dermal, cosmetic)
  • Extracts for soft capsules
  • Elixirs, Oxymels, Liquors, etc.
  • Specialities including Opiates

For more information:

  • call us at ++31 35 58 21355
  • fax us at ++31 35 58 26614

Pharmaceutical licences and registrations

Pembroek holds a number of Dutch pharmaceutical licences and registrations, including:

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing licence
  • API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) manufacturing registration

To look these up visit the official governmental EU website EudraGMDP. Look under "MIA" tab and "API REG" tab respectively. For our GMP certificates look under "GMP" tab using Site Reference Number 12191.

For more information:

  • call us at ++31 35 58 21355
  • fax us at ++31 35 58 26614
Pembroek BV - Industrieweg 22 - 1231 KH LOOSDRECHT - The Netherlands - T: +31 35 5821355 - F: +31 35 5826614 - © Pembroek BV 2024

Pharmacopea examples

Examples of the most used well-known pharmacopea and formulary we work from:

Austrian Pharmacopea
Belgium Pharmacopea
British Pharmacopea
British Pharmaceutical Codex
British Herbal Pharmacopea
Chinese Pharmacopea
Dutch Pharmacopea
Dutch CMN 5
European Pharmacopea
Egyptian Pharmacopea
Finnish Pharmacopea
French Pharmacopea
German Pharmacopea
East German Pharmacopea
Indian Herbal Pharmacopea
Russian Pharmacopea
Scandinavian Pharmacopea
Spanish Pharmacopea
Swiss Pharmacopea
United States Pharmacopea
USP National Formulary

For more information: